Author: Catherine Allgor
Hardcover: 512 pages
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co. (April 4, 2006)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805073272
ISBN-13: 978-0805073270
A Perfect Union is a sympathetic biography of Dolley Madison. Well written with deep research gives the reader an excellent perspective of Mrs. Madison, her life of hardships and blessings. Her dedication to her first husband, Mr. Todd Page and her second husband Mr. James Madison. Dolley was a women ahead of her time, or at lease allowed to behave as such within her time. The drawing room gathering, set the framework for politicing in the United States of America. Her ability to make each person feel important, from the lowly carriage man to the political giants, gave her the pathway to the hearts of the Americans. Everyone loved Mrs. Madison.